¤ Celebrating 10 Years as a Free Company ¤
¤ Celebrating 10 Years as a Free Company ¤
Be fast, be furious... and RUN!
On Saturday, September 28, 2024 at 9:00pm EST the Black Waltz FC invites you to participate in one of our most popular Free Company events where you can compete head-to-head against your fellow Jenovians in a race to the finish line! This will be no easy feat to accomplish! Zones up-to the Shadowbringers expansion may be included in this event, so please ensure you have these zones unlocked to participate!
Each racing team will be comprised of two players who have a different role: a "racer" and a "raiser." Each racer will be paired up with a high-level raiser (Healer, Summoner, or Red Mage) who will be able to bring them back into the race using Raise, Resurrection, Verraise, Ascend or Egeiro.
"Racer" participants must enter the race on a job that is below level 10. The challenge of the race is that all race courses will be drawn through high-level areas where enemies can kill a racer in one hit. If you thought speed was your strength - you must also consider stealth and caution in order to avoid enemies! If you are killed, don't worry - your "raising" partner can revive you back into the race to catch up!
Please note that these spells must be slow-cast and use of Swiftcast or Dualcast are forbidden. In addition, these partners may not pass their racers in the field or raise them ahead of where they died; raise spells can be cast on the body of the fallen racer and no further. Lastly, Regens and shields, or any skill that redirects aggro from a racer to their healing partner are not allowed.
Race courses will be announced on the day of the event. Each course will have a checkpoint that each team must pass before proceeding to the finish line (a volunteer, non-racing participant will be at the checkpoint to ensure each team passes by).
Important Note: Due to latency, the winner(s) are determined by which team crosses the finish line on my screen first - races will be recorded for any disputes. In addition, the sole purpose of a raiser is to bring racers back from the dead - they are not allowed to interfere with the race in any manner, including killing enemies before they hit their partners.
The Black Waltz Free Company - 2023