On Saturday, November 23, 2024 It's time to play one of The Black Waltz's most requested Free Company events: Hide and Seek!
Shortly before the start time of the event all participants will be broken up into two large groups: "Group A" and "Group B." One member of each group will roll /random and whoever has the higher number out of the two will get to choose whether their team "hides" or "seeks" for the first round. Once the first round is completed, both teams will alternate who is hiding and who is seeking until all rounds are completed!
Note: Both teams will have an equal amount of times being both a hider and a seeker.
Points are not only awarded for "seekers" finding someone who is hiding, but also for "hiders" not being found during the round! At the beginning of each
- "Seekers:" Finding a "Hider" is worth 10 points!
- "Hiders:" Remaining undiscovered for the duration of the round is worth 30 points! If a "hider" is discovered, they earn 0 points for that round.
- Once all participants are in the play-zone, the event host will start a 2-minute timer. All "Hiders" will have to find a place to hide before the timer is completed and the host announces that the "Seekers" can start searching.
- "Hiders" must be hiding on solid ground and not in the air or on mounts. Mounts can be used to get around the arena, but once the hide-timer expires, the "hider" must land and find a place to hide.
- "Hiders" are not allowed to use stealth skills or skills that make them transparent; however, "hiders" can use gear or clothing to blend into the environment if they wish.
- Nameplates must be turned off by all parties for the duration of the event. We will go over instructions on how to do this prior to the event starting.
- "Seekers" can ride mounts for the duration of the round.
- "Seekers" must announce they have found a "Hider" in /shout chat so that the host can record the find and so that other "Seekers" will know that a player has been discovered.
- To "find" someone, "Seekers" must initiate a /trade with the person they have found. "Hiders" are not allowed to set their status to 'busy' to avoid a trade.
- First-Place: 3,000,000 Gil & Waltz Shop Job Stone Mug OR T-Shirt
- Second-Place: 1,000,000 Gil;
- Third-Place: 500,000 Gil; and,
- All other participants: 100,000 Gil.