On Saturday, January 27 at 8:00pm EST, it's time to plummet... for points!
This hilarious (and fun) Free Company event takes two popular real-life events (Darts, and Lawn Darts) and merges them together! Instead of using darts, players will use their character's bodies to jump from new heights to land on a strategically placed dartboard of waymarks to earn points. Each waymark has a point value, and the player with the most points at the end of the game wins!
Event Guidelines:
- The event host will place waymarks on the field at the bottom of a high cliff in a predetermined zone.
- The host will invite 7 participants to their party so the participants can see the waymarks.
- When the host says, "Go," all 7 participants in that party will jump together and attempt to land on or near the waymarks below.
- The host will record all positions and point values, and then disband the party to grab 7 new participants for the next jump in that round.
- Players cannot touch their keyboard/mouse once they've started freefalling from their jump - they must allow gravity to do the work.
- Players cannot move their character once they've hit the ground until the host has recorded their points.
- Once a group has finished their jump and the party has been disbanded, they can move to the side while the next group jumps until the round is over.
- Landing directly on a waymark is worth the full point value of that waymark but both feet must be entirely in the waymark for it to count.
- Landing outside of a waymark will earn half the point value of the closest waymark. The exception to this will be the "Bonus" waymark placement.
- Bonus waymarks (Purple waymarks) may not be in an every round. These bonus waymarks are worth a lot of points, but they are "all-or-nothing" waymarks - you must land entirely in the purple waymark to get the bonus points. Landing outside the bonus waymark will earn half the point value of the next closest non-purple waymark.
Point System:
- "A" or "1" (Red) Waymarks: 30 Points
- "B" or "2" (Yellow) Waymarks: 20 Points
- "C" or "3" (Blue) Waymarks: 10 Points
- "D" or "4" (Purple) Bonus Waymarks: 50 Points (all-or-nothing)
- First Place: 3,000,000 gil
- Second and Third Place: 1,000,000 Gil each;
- All Participants: 100,000 Gil.